Guest Feature - Grace Boze

Guest Feature - Grace Boze

Floral designer Grace Boze created a fun, unique arrangement to accompany a sweet note of encouragement written by children's author Sonia Amin, who offered congratulations on the birth of a baby boy in her response to the "Feeling Sentimentful" Inspired contest. Grace treated Lift! readers to a construction video as well!

Fun facts: The note was based on one sent to commemorate an actual birth, the dump truck is operational, and a flower shop customer purchased the arrangement. 

For more about Grace and her creative offerings, follow 3Dimensional Grace on Facebook.

For more about Sonia Amin and her books, visit

Stories and opportunities to inspire are shared with readers of the Lift! newsletter. Guest features are open to creatives seeking inspiration. To join the Inspired fun, sign up for Lift! at