Guest Feature - Nancy Ness

Guest Feature - Nancy Ness

When Emma Robbins follows her estranged grandson, Ford, to see what he's up to in the apple orchard, she connects with him over the impressionist movement and receives new sympathy for the twenty-seven-year-old loss of her infant daughter Daisy. A glimpse into Emma's journal reveals the impact of her recent encounters with Ford on her journey of emotional healing, as well as hope for their future relationship.

Nancy Ness passed away unexpectedly on July 19, 2023, while in the process of writing her Inspired story, "Daisies and New Beginnings." I’m thankful that her daughters’ plan to publish her work included allowing the publication of "Daisies." This gift of a work in process from Nancy reminds us to always be working on something beautiful.

Nancy was in the final stages of editing a nonfiction book, encouraging others to discover hope for emotional healing, as well as her first historical fiction novel, inspired by her grandmother's experience of abandonment and search for family truth. To read Nancy's encouraging blog posts and view her "Art from the Heart!" video instructions for making hand-bound journals from discarded hardback books, visit

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